I was 17 and my husband (boyfriend at the time) was 21, and we were very much in love. We had been dating for over a year and a half before we decided to make love. We had planned for this, we were using protection, I was on birth-control, and we were even using condoms. What we hadn't planned for was a pregnancy.
We never even thought about abortion at the time. When we told my mother, she convinced us that abortion was the answer. I was confused, soooo sick, and respected my mother, so I did what she thought best. The procedure was clinical and I was told to put it all behind me. But I still think of that child 25 years later... what (s)he would be have been doing now, what s(he) would have looked like... what relationship would we have had? We were blessed with three children but I also suffered the pain of several miscarriages along with the births.
The pain of the abortion for me wasn't in the hospital. I wish that abortion had not been so EASY. I never really had time to think about it, and it was over.