I had an abortion last Thursday, July 16, 2009. I was seven weeks. I chose to go to the best family planning place to get my procedure done, as I really do not like Planned Parenthood. I have heard horrible stories about them. I do not regret having an abortion one bit as I am already a mother of a six year old daughter. The reason I chose to have this procedure done was, basically, I do not want to take away from my daughter, as I am her only parent. Some people might think that is selfish, but to me it is not. We are in a world where we can choose what we want to do with our bodies. I do not feel ashamed. I don't feel like a bad person and I don't feel like a whore. People choose these types of options so they can continue on with their lives. But if you sit and think about it all the time then you are not going to live your life.